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70th anniversary remembered in West London paper

Alix Culbertson shared the story of the July 3, 1944 bombing for readers of GetWestLondon on July 3, 2014.  Her story, “In pictures: Grandson helps remember Americans killed in Sloane Court WWII bomb 70 years ago,” is available at


London Memorial uncovers second unit harmed in blast

The 130th Chemical Processing Company was decimated in the July 3, 1944 blast. But it was not alone.

The G-5 Unit of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF) was stationed at Sloane Court and suffered two casualties with an additional 19 men wounded.

The news, confirmed by documents from the National Archives and a tip from a London Memorial reader is the first time this information has been publicly chronicled. News of the Sloane Court bombing was kept confidential due to wartime censorship.

We are posting a new testimonial of Sgt. Eric Stern, an interpreter with SHAEF who oversaw the surrender of the German forces, acting as an interpreter in Norway. He was also an interpreter for the initial meetings of the Council of States directed by the U.S. government in Frankfurt. According to his daughter, Stern and his unit moved to Edinburgh, Scotland immediately after the bombing.

We are also posting a new list of casualties obtained from the National Archives that confirm the presence of the G-5 division of SHAEF on Sloane Court. Our pages “Names of the Fallen” and “Unclear Death Toll” have been updated to reflect these changes.